通过这种模式,Habitat for Humanity不仅帮助了那些急需住房的家庭,也为志愿者提供了参与社会服务的机会,增强了社区的凝聚力。社区成员通过共同的目标和努力,建立了深厚的信任与友谊,这种社区精神是Habitat for Humanity最为珍视的成果之一。 然而,尽管Habitat for Humanity在提供可负担住房方面取得了显著成就,仍然面临着许多...
Danielle Derringer
Flower City Habitat for Humanity helps to reshape the City of RochesterDanielle Derringer
The idea came out of a day of volunteering to stipple the ceilings of a home under construction by the Flower City Habitat for Humanity (FCHH), the Rochester (N.Y.) Habitat for Humanity affiliate. The experience left me wondering how to get more involved, and then it hit me: Why not...