Habitat for Humanity International today announced that Whirlpool Corporation has surpassed the $125 million in kind donated product milestone to Habitat. Over the lifetime of the relationship, which began in 1999, Whirlpool Corp. has donated more than 241,000... ...
在斯坦福商学院毕业典礼上,Habitat for Humanity首席执行官Jonathan Reckford发表了演讲,强调了品格和了解真实自我的重要性。 “你们是一群高成就者,高成就者尤其擅长声誉管理。” 1989年MBA校友Reckford说,“但声誉管理的最大风险之一,是允许你...
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Habitat for Humanityは、より迅速かつ効率的な建設を実現するべく、アフォーダブル住宅の3Dプリントに挑戦しています。 Candelaria Design Associates は Peri USA と連携してハビタット・フォー・ヒューマニティの住宅プランを 3D プリント テクノロジーに対応させたSusan...
Habitat for Humanity. Feature.Join the Thiem - DE Reveal Nachhaltigkeit · Soziales 02.08.2023 415,8 MB Weg zur CO2-neutralen Energieversorgung am BMW Group Standort Steyr Umwelt · Nachhaltigkeit · BMW Group Standorte · Produktionswerke 12.10.2023 9,61 MB MINI boost for Tiny Forest initia...
仁人家园(Habitat for Humanity)今天于铜锣湾时代广场举行义工宣誓仪式,义工吴彦祖获委任为灭贫斗士队长,率领半百义 … picasaweb.google.com|基于232个网页 2. 仁爱之家 仁爱之家(Habitat for humanity)则帮助穷苦的人们建盖属于他们自己的房子。 -- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(0) 差评(0) 受到了当... ...
Sample translated sentence: 史緹爾也效力於《Habitat for Humanity》(仁愛之家),在哥斯大黎加建造房屋,也曾與《Amnesty International》(國際特赦組織)合作,希望人們更關注滯留未成年非法移民法令過於嚴苛的問題。 ↔ Stiles has also worked for Habitat for Humanity, building housing in Costa Rica, and has ...
Habitat for Humanity is made up(由……组成) mostly of 35 who work for free(免费) because they like to help other people.Families who 36 homes can contact the group. The group then 37 suitable families and helps them build homes. Before the families get their own homes, they must help ...
Habitat For Humanity International (HFHI), generally referred to as Habitat for Humanity or simply Habitat, is an international, non-governmental, non-profit organization devoted to building "simple, decent, and affordable" housing, a self-described "Christian housing ministry." The international ...
Habitat for Humanity 作者:Baggett, Jerome P. 出版年:2000-11 页数:360 定价:$ 36.10 ISBN:9781566398039 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单