Empirical formulae of temperature and luminosity as functions of mass for calculating the habitable zoneastrobiologymethods: data analysisplanets and satellites: generalThe location of the habitable zone can be calculated from the stellar mass by theoretical expressions. In this work we compare different...
The currently prevailing planetary habitability concept is largely based on the concept of the Circumstellar Habitable Zone (CHZ). The CHZ, a well-known region around a star where a planet with sufficient atmospheric pressure to maintain liquid water on its surface, originated during the 1950s (...
In particular, they used a model in which the phase lag between the passage of the perturber and the tidal bulge is constant and concluded that an Earth-like planet’s rotational frequency would synchronize with the orbital frequency in the habitable zone (HZ; the shell around a star for ...
Although Proxima b orbits much closer to its star than Mercury does to the Sun in the Solar System, the star itself is far fainter than the Sun. As a result, Proxima b lies well within thehabitable zonearound the star and has an estimated surface temperature that would allow the presence ...
The locations of the HZ's are calculated using an empirical formula for planetary surface temperature and assuming the condition of liquid water, called here the empirical habitable zone, or EHZ. Systems that have dynamically disruptive companions, assuming a 5:1 separation ratios for primary/...
In this paper, it is argued that the "gravitational illumination" of such systems may alter significantly the standard electromagnetic stellar habitable zone as long as a fraction of its gravitational energy is converted into heat. An analytical formula for the habitable zone is derived by assuming...
The currently prevailing planetary habitability concept is largely based on the concept of the Circumstellar Habitable Zone (CHZ). The CHZ, a well-known region around a star where a planet with sufficient atmospheric pressure to maintain liquid water on its surface, originated during the 1950s (...
We also calculate that the number of terrestrial planets in habitablezoneJianpo GuoFenghui ZhangXuefei ChenZhanwen HanAstrophysics&Space ScienceGuo, J., Zhang, F., Chen, X., and Han, Z. (2009) Probability distribution of terrestrial planets in habitable zones around host stars. Astrophys. ...