本周末#迪拜24小时耐力赛# 的战车—HAAS RACING TEAM的奥迪R8 LMS GT3 EVO2。[酷] 搭档2024赛季WEC PORSCHE MANTHEY RACING车手Morris Schuring以及两位铜级车手Florian Scholze & Tim Muller,参加GT3 OVERALL组...
I've been using ACFL's Assetto Corsa mods for years now and although I really enjoy using their ACFL 2021 Mod, there is only 1 standardised chassis by them this time round and so I decided to try my hand at making this season's liveries on last season's chassis for each team! There...
来自Saintéloc Junior Team的Erwan Bastard/Paul Evrard车组驾驶26号奥迪R8 LMS GT3 EVO II收获全场亚军,两支奥迪客户车队为四环品牌在穆杰罗12小时耐力赛中包揽冠亚。全场季军位置被Heart of Racing by SPS车队的27号梅赛德斯-AMG GT3 EVO夺得,驾驶该车的Ian James/Roman de Angelis/Gray Newell车组同样是GT3 AM...