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"Wh a t wo ul dI ma ke if I brough t a s na ck t owork?Sandra: Yous hould ha v e a l 健怡可乐 di e t cokeinthe evenings.J o la: W hy / bet t er if_Wh yw ould i t be betterif I had adietcoke in theeven i ngs? "Wh y wo ...
许多人并不总是以相同的方式看待事物.所以他 们可能会将同一个人描述得不同.Many people don't always see things so they may describe the same person .6. 最后.真正的罪犯是一位又矮又胖的老头.而且留 着黑色的短发. .the real criminal is a and old m