看下HA的状态,如果有out-of-sync的状态就是有问题 Prim-FW (global) # get sys ha status HA Health Status: OK Model: FortiGate-VM64-KVM Mode: HA A-P Group: 9 Debug: 0 Cluster Uptime: 14 days 5:9:44 Cluster state change time: 2019-06-13 14:21:15 Master selected using: <date:02>...
FortiGate HA 同步机制和故障诊断说明书 FortiGate HA同步机制和故障诊断 说明 版本 1.0 时间2021年2月18 涉及设备及版本FortiGate 作者李威峰 反馈***
2000613_WLFW_F600C_01# slave's configuration is not in sync with master's, sequence:3 2000613_WLFW_F600C_01# slave's configuration is not in sync with master's, sequence:4 slave starts to sync with master logout all admin users//此时连接 console 会自动退出,说明配置完全一样。 4.手工...
In the CLI, run the get system ha status command to see if the cluster is in synchronization . The synchronization status is reported under Configuration Status.When both members are in synchronization: # get system ha status HA Health Status: OK Model: FortiGate-VM64 Mode: HA A-...
FortiGate 冗余接口 北京市海淀区北四环西路 52 号中芯大厦 12 层 电话: (010)62960376 11.参考 High Availability (HA) Technical Note : Restoring HA master role after a failover using "diag ha reset uptime" Technical Note: FortiGate HA A-A TCP Packet Flow when a Protection Profile is enabled ...
(I |O) -Port In syncorOutof sync (E|D) - Framecol lectionisEnabledorDisabled (E|D) - FramedistributionisEnabledorDisabled status:up npu:y flush:y asichelper:n oid: 132 ports:2ha:backup distribution algorithm: L4 LACP mode:active LACP speed: slow LACP HA:enable aggregator...
When setting up HA, enable the following options to ensure IPsec VPN traffic is not interrupted during an HA failover:session-pickup under HA settings. ha-sync-esp-seqno under IPsec phase1-interface settings.You can configure IPsec VPN in an HA environment using the GUI or CLI....
FortiGate – Azure certified virtual appliance running the same OS which is used on our hardware appliances. These will be referenced as FortiGate-A and FortiGate-B.FortiManager – Dedicated policy and configuration manager, used to keep the configuration in sync between the two FortiGates.How to ...
11—HA与会话同步.ppt,HA与会话同步 概念 FortiGate高可用性集群功能通过消除了单点故障来提高了整个系统的可用性。 负载均衡通过在集群成员之间分配网络流量和安全服务以提高整体的性能。 需求 硬件保持一致 软件版本保持一致 FG50A不可以做HA FG300A以上可以实现全拓扑 运
3.耐心等待…观察console输出信息,做到心中有数。 以下为升级过程打印信息,请注意阅读并理解: Checking new firmware integrity ... pass Wait for HA to be master of all clusters... Send image to HA slave. .. Wait for slave to restart //备机准备升级+升级重启约5分钟, ...