execvp(p->file, argv);errh_Error("%s: error execvp, %m\nfile: %s", p->name, errno_GetStatus(), p->file);exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }returnsts; } 开发者ID:ManfredHerrmann,项目名称:proview,代码行数:26,代码来源:rt_proc.c 示例2: node ▲点赞 6▼ staticgdb_sNode *node( net_sMessage ...
TheWinsock2.hheader file included with the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK), Platform Software Development Kit (SDK), and Visual Studio still contains a commented out block of defines within an #ifdef 0 and #endif block that define the BSD socket error codes to be the ...
For information on how to handle error codes when porting socket applications to Winsock, seeError Codes - errno, h_errno and WSAGetLastError. The following list describes the possible error codes returned by theWSAGetLastErrorfunction. Errors are listed in numerical order with the error macro name....
1 第1步:右键单击计算机图标,并选择属性按钮,如下图所示:2 第2步:看到自己的计算机为64位系统,如下图所示:3 第3步:去网站搜索MSCOMCTL.OCX文件,并下载对应版本文件,如下图所示:4 第4步:下载后解压文件,如下图所示;5 第5步:选中解压的文件复制如下图所示:6 第6步:粘贴到到C:\Windows\Syste...
1、hvigor ERROR: Failed :entry:default@CompileArkTS... 问题原因:SDK 安装方式不同造成。 解决方式:open harmony api 以下版本需要安装,以上版本直接解压即可使用。 2、hvigor ERROR: ArkTS:ERROR failed to execute es2abc 问题原因:当DevEco Studio升级后,没有修改SDK时,DevEco Studio会默认开始type...
在MQCRTMH、MQDLTMH、MQSETMP、MQINQMP 或 MQDLT 呼叫上,提供的訊息控點無效,原因如下: 參數指標無效,或 (針對 MQCRTMH 呼叫) 指向唯讀儲存體。 (不一定可以偵測無效的參數指標; 如果未偵測到,則會發生無法預期的結果。) 之前的 MQCRTMH 呼叫未傳回指定的值。
Programmer response Ensure that a successful MQCRTMH call is performed for the connection, and that an MQDLTMH call has not already been performed for it. Ensure that the handle is being used within its valid scope, for more information, seeMQCRTMH - Create message handle....
hbase(main):001:0> list TABLE ERROR: Can't get master address from ZooKeeper; znode data == null Here is some help for this command: List all tables in hbase. Optional regular expression parameter could be used to filter the output. Examples: ...
会出现error C2059: syntax error : constant 错误。解决:经仔细研究,对比,试验,发现,openssl的头文件有顺序之分。加入下面句子,即 正常。include buffer.h> include err.h> include rand.h> include conf.h> include bio.h> include objects.h> include asn1.h> include pem.h> include ...