Proposed explosive charge contains, in specified proportions, nitroethers, crystalline and granulated ammonium nitrate, metallic fuel, calcium stearate, collodion cotton, sods ash, and motor oil.;EFFECT: improved performance characteristics due to higher blasting efficiency and detonation rate as well as...
2019 McLaren MSO 570S "Papaya Spark" & "Muriwai" & "Sarthe Grey" (分辨率:4000) û收藏 10 1 ñ22 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 景德镇发布 01月15日 08:22 #西安下雪# 【遥想当年的盛唐繁华...
摘要 快菜是白菜的一种即小型白菜,属十字花科芸薹属白菜亚种,生长速度快,适宜在海拔较高地区和气候温和的季节生长,广泛适合我国各地栽培种植,因个体小,生长周期短,质地脆嫩,经济效益佳,深受消费者和种植者的喜爱. 关键词快菜 / 品种 / 产量 / 对比 / 试验 ...
一键解锁【生之動力催眠及塔羅顧問有限公司】信息 加入购物车 立即解锁 官方文档17 是否购买 全部类型 公告年份 序号标题类型财务年度 公告日期 公告页数 金额操作 1 有关第746(2)条的参考文件 其他 - 2019-03-08 1 ¥35 购买 2 有关第745(2)(b)条的参考文件 其他 - 2018-11-16 1 ¥35 购买 3 ...
Patient and health service delay in pulmonary tuberculosis patients attending a referral hospital: a cross-sectional study p pBackground/p pDelays in diagnosis and initiation of effective treatment increase morbidity and mortality from tuberculosis as well as the risk of transm... MS Kiwuwa,K Charl...
The LibQUAL+ centre piece web-based survey that enables libraries to assess their service is internationally respected for its rigorous development and testing (Kyrillidou, 2009b). Built on the premise that "only customers judge quality; all other judgements are essentially irrelevant" (Zeithaml, et...
Location-aware private service discovery in pervasive computing environment Service discovery is an important and challenging issue in pervasive environments. Recent studies on service discovery mainly adopt Distributed Hash Tables... C Yu,D Yao,X Li,... - 《Information Sciences》...
摘要: 快菜是白菜的一种即小型白菜,属十字花科芸薹属白菜亚种,生长速度快,适宜在海拔较高地区和气候温和的季节生长,广泛适合我国各地栽培种植,因个体小,生长周期短,质地脆嫩,经济效益佳,深受消费者和种植者的喜爱.关键词:快菜 品种 产量 对比 试验 DOI: CNKI:SUN:NYYS.0.2019-02-004 年份: 2019 ...