1.进入计算机的BIOS设置功能,进行硬盘模式更改的操作方法。(一般情况可以不需要进行设置,以免影响正常使用) 2.进行U盘优先启动设置,将制作好的U盘启动盘设置为第一启动项,然后保存重启进入PE模式的操作方法。 3.开机启动按快捷键呼出快捷选项框,选择U盘启动,进入PE的操作方法。(推荐使用此方式) ...
does not work, and does not work with dos. the motherboard is from acer but produced by packard bell i tried bios from acer and pacard bell but no result. it is interesting that the same version of the bios that currently exists on the motherboard is loaded (flashed) without any ...
is the way to get all the intel drivers including all the networking and io drivers for this mobo, also and if its not an acer board then go to the manufacturer site for this mobo, which should include the ethernet, bios and all drivers need for your mobo, its a simple process. ...
去迅维网查找图纸发现没有 只有BIOS ,抱着试试的想法去百度找 ,找到了图纸 ,运气好 也是精英...
pc acer aspire x3990 matrenka here h61h2-ad, i3 3.3 ghz ram 6 gb, asus 750 ti video card 2 gb strix oc edition, i put the power supply 500w aerocool vx 500 and video card palit jetstream 1060 6 gb. the pc does not see the video card. i can not find a function in bios to ...
您需要登录才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册 x BIOS出问题,下了很多个都是4MB的BIOS,最后找到了一...