如果爆发H5N1疫情,这种首次感染效应预测老年人可能再次基本上幸免,而年轻人可能更脆弱。这一发现需要在防疫策略中加以考虑。Nature:If bird flu sparks a human pandemic, your past immunity could help #禽流感
4.Dadonaite, B. et al.Preprint at bioRxivhttps://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.23.595634(2024). 原文Bird flu could become a human pandemic. How are countries preparing?标题发表在2024年7月12日《自然》的新闻版块上 原文作者:Smriti Mallapaty Bird flu could become a human pandemic. How are countries...
The 2024–25 seasonal influenza vaccine doesn’t prevent H5N1 bird flu but could play a pivotal role in preventing a pandemic, the CDC says.
4.Dadonaite, B. et al.Preprint at bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.23.595634 (2024). 原文Bird flu could become a human pandemic. How are countries preparing?标题发表在2024年7月12日《自然》的新闻版块上 © nature Doi:10.1038/...
3.https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2024/12/21/first-severe-bird-flu-case-pandemic/77103005007/ 识别微信二维码,添加生物制品圈小编,符合条件者即可加入 生物制品微信群! 请注明:姓名+研究方向! 版 权 声 明 本公众号...
Assessing the Risk of a Bird Flu Pandemic in India 大家都在问的问题: 问题1: H5N1禽流感的传播方式是什么? H5N1禽流感主要通过直接接触感染的鸟类及其分泌物、排泄物,或者通过空气中的病毒颗粒传播。尤其是在野生水鸟中,病毒的传播途径与其迁徙模式密切相关,增加了与家禽的接触机会,从而加大了病毒传播的风险。
pandemic flu virus strain. Dr. Daniel Lucey, co-director of the Biohazardous Threats and Emerging Diseases graduate program at Georgetown University has made this point, "There is no H5N1 pandemic so there can be no pandemic vaccine". However, "pre-pandemic vaccines" have been created; are ...
[5] Smriti Mallapaty:“Bird flu could become a human pandemic. How are countriespreparing?”, Nature.com, July 12, 2024. Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-02237-4 [6] Nature, doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-02237-4 ...
[5] Smriti Mallapaty: “Bird flu could become a human pandemic. How are countriespreparing?”, Nature.com, July 12, 2024. Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-02237-4 [6] Nature, doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-02237-4 ...
flu outbreak at Spanish mink farm triggers pandemic fears, Spread among captive mink could give the H5N1 strain opportunities to evolve and adapt to mammals,SCIENCE, 379(6630).https://www.science.org/content/article/incredibly-concerning-bird-flu-outbre...