单位 0.1V")] public string Ua { get; set;
H5::DataSet dataset =this->variableGroup->openDataSet(this->variableGroup->getObjnameByIdx(0)); H5::Attributeattribute = dataset.openAttribute(attribute_id);std::stringbuffer = attribute.getName();cout<<"AttributeName: '"<< buffer <<"'"<<endl;returnbuffer; } 开发者ID:NeelSavani,项目名称...
verify_val(objtype, H5O_TYPE_DATASET,"DataSet::childObjType", __LINE__, __FILE__);// Get and verify object type with// H5O_type_t childObjType(const char* objname)objtype = grp1.childObjType(GROUP1_1.c_str()); verify_val(objtype, H5O_TYPE_GROUP,"DataSet::childObjType", ...
Similarly, reading an empty attribute returns h5py.Empty:>>> obj.attrs["EmptyAttr"] h5py.Empty(dtype="f") Empty datasets can be created either by defining a dtype but no shape in create_dataset:>>> grp.create_dataset("EmptyDataset", dtype="f") ...
# 1) The size of an HDF5 string attribute exceeds 32767. # 2) Even if the total size of an HDF5 string dataset exceeds 32767, but the # individual string element size does not exceed 32767. # # The default value is set to true. H5.EnableDropLongString=true # BES Key: H5.Enable...
HDF5(Hierarchical Data Format 5)是一种用于存储和组织大量科学数据的文件格式。h5py是Python中的一个...
{ dataSet.Tables["Orders"].Rows.Add(newobject[] { orderId++, customerId, orderId *10}); } }returndataSet; }privatestaticvoidPrintRowValues(DataRow[] rows,stringlabel){ Console.WriteLine("\n{0}", label);if(rows.Length <=0) { Console.WriteLine("no rows found");return; }foreach(...
FillValue Fill value for missing data, if defined. Filter Array of structures describing any defined filters, such as compression. Attributes Array of structures describing dataset attributes. Named Datatypes FieldDescription Name Character vector specifying the name of the datatype object. Class HD...
{ dataSet.Tables["Orders"].Rows.Add(newobject[] { orderId++, customerId, orderId *10}); } }returndataSet; }privatestaticvoidPrintRowValues(DataRow[] rows,stringlabel){ Console.WriteLine("\n{0}", label);if(rows.Length <=0) { Console.WriteLine("no rows found");return; }foreach(...
FillValueFill value for missing data, if defined. FilterArray of structures describing any defined filters, such as compression. AttributesArray of structures describing dataset attributes. Named Datatypes FieldDescription NameCharacter vector specifying the name of the datatype object. ...