set-overload命令用来配置过载标志位。 undo set-overload命令用来恢复缺省情况。 【命令】 set-overload [ on-startup [ [ start-from-nbr system-id [ timeout1 [ nbr-timeout ] ] ] | timeout2 | wait-for-bgp [ timeout3 ] ] ] [ allow { external | interlevel } * ] undo set-overload...
[Sysname-FortyGigE1/0/1-srv1]1.1.61 set-overloadset-overload命令用来配置LSDB过载标志位。undo set-overload命令用来恢复缺省情况。【命令】set-overload [ on-startup [ [ start-from-nbr system-id [ timeout1 [ nbr-timeout ] ] ] | timeout2 ]undo set-overload【缺省情况】...
01 CE部分配置 interface Ethernet0/0/0 ip address ospf timer he...
Latebound overload resolution cannot be applied to '<procedurename>' because the accessing instance is an interface type Leading '.' or '!' can only appear inside a 'With' statement Leading '.' or '!' cannot appear in a constant expression 'Let' and 'Set' assignment statements are ...
<type1> '<membername>' conflicts with <type2> '<membername>' on the base class <type3> '<classname>' and should be declared 'Shadows' <type1> '<membername>' shadows an overloadable member declared in the base <type2> '<classname>' <type1> '<propertyname>' conflicts with a memb...
autochannel-set avoid-dot11h auto-close auto-connect auto-cost enable autodeploy sms enable autodeploy udisk enable auto-execute command auto-link auto-rp enable B backup app backup startup-configuration backup-rule loose balance (BGP/BGP-VPN instance ...
select-seq lsp load-balance-number send server-timeout service-instance service-instance service-loopback group service-type session protection set asset-info set authentication password set-overload sflow agent sflow collector sflow counter collector sflow c...
set-overload命令用来为当前路由器配置过载标志位。undo set-overload命令用来清除过载标志位。 缺省情况下,不配置过载标志位。 需要注意的是: · 如果没有指定on-startup参数,IS-IS将立即把过载标志位置位且一直保持置位状态直到用户通过undo set-overload清除过载标志位。 · 如果只指定on-startup参数,过载标志位...
set-overload [ on-startup [ [ start-from-nbr system-id [ timeout1 [ nbr-timeout ] ] ] | timeout2 | wait-for-bgp [ timeout3 ] ] ] [ allow { external | interlevel } * ] 缺省情况下,未配置过载标志位。 4. 配置IPv6 LSDB过载标志位 (1) 进入系统视图。 system-view (2) 进入...
set-overload [ on-startup [ [ start-from-nbr system-id [ timeout1 [ nbr-timeout ] ] ] | timeout2 ] [ allow { external | interlevel } * ] 缺省情况下,不设置过载标志位 1.5.13 配置IS-IS主机名映射 IS-IS用System ID来在区域内唯一标识主机或路由器,System ID长度固定为6字节。当网络...