2、Cryptographic algorithms tests passed. Startup configuration file doesn"t exist or is invalid. ...
Cryptographic algorithms tests are running. Slot 1: Starting Known-Answer tests in the user space. Known-answer test for 3DES passed. Known-answer test for SHA1 passed. Known-answer test for SHA224 passed. Known-answer test for SHA256 passed. Known-answer test for SHA384 passed. Known-answe...
Line aux0 is available. Press ENTER to get started. 这里要按CTRL+C跳过自动配置IP,然后按ENTER回车键进入 第一步配置IP system-view interface vlan 1 ip address ip route-static 0 dns server dns proxy enable quit 第二步配置WEB和Teln...
Cryptographic algorithms tests are running. Slot 1: Starting Known-Answer tests in the user space. Known-answer test for 3DES passed. Known-answer test for SHA1 passed. Known-answer test for SHA224 passed. Known-answer test for SHA256 passed. Known-answer test ...
Cryptographic algorithms tests passed. Startup configuration file doesn't exist or is invalid. Performing automatic configuration... Press CTRL_C or CTRL_D to break. Automatic configuration attempt: 1. Interface used: Vlan-interface1. Enable DHCP client on Vlan-interface1. ...
请注意,在备机重启过程中如果未接入上下列业务口可能导致设备在Cryptographic algorithms tests passed.卡住。 由人员远程验证业务传输相关功能 25、验证相关状态 display irf display irf link display irf configuration display redundancy group aaa display current-configutation ...
连接终端线可以看到开机信息...Done.System is starting...Cryptographic algorithms tests passed.Startup configuration file doesn't exist or is invali sed 用户名 回车键 原创 xiangxisheng 2021-12-15 17:44:33 764阅读 s5120交换机支持路由 S5120交换机...
Cryptographic algorithms tests passed. Configuration file is skipped. Performing automatic configuration... Press CTRL_C or CTRL_D to break. Automatic configuration attempt: 1. Not ready for automatic configuration: no interface available. Waiting for the next... Automatic configuration attempt: 2. No...
Cryptographic algorithms tests passed.Startup configuration file doesn't exist or is invalid.Performing automatic configuration... Press CTRL_C or CTRL_D to break.Automatic configuration attempt: 1.Interface used: Vlan-interface1.Enable DHCP client on Vlan-interface1.Set DHCP client identifier: 38adb...