Full size image The vertical grey dotted line in Fig.2separates ammonia concentrations measured in different regions in the upper troposphere5; Asian monsoon conditions are to the right of this vertical line. Our results indicate that H2SO4–NH3nucleation is probably responsible for new particle for...
This film formed by iron ions and heteroatoms present in OH and amine groups from the extract are adsorbed on the steel and form a protective film on to the steel.doi:10.1080/17518253.2016.1195017A. Rodríguez TorresM. G. Valladares Cisneros...
3-diyl)bis(azanediyl)bis(methylene)disphenol (RSH2), on the corrosion inhibiting of carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4has been studied. The inhibitor effects on the corrosion behavior of the samples were determined at three different concentrations, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mg L−1. Weight loss,...
The EIS data have been represented in the form of a Nyquist diagram and are shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 Nyquist curves for P1 and P2 at 298 K Full size image Initial observations indicate consistent shape in the presence of inhibitors P1 and P2, compared to the blank solution, suggesting ...
The purpose of this study was to get a better knowledge of the role of microstructure, water chemistry and temperature on the hydrogen absorption/uptake in nickel-based alloys. Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through ...
There are more references available in the full text version of this article. Cited by (19) A review of recent researches on Bunsen reaction for hydrogen production via S–I water and H<inf>2</inf>S splitting cycles 2019, Journal of Energy Chemistry Show abstract Progress of nuclear hydrogen...
Since ammonium bisulfate, NH4HSO4, does not nucleate homogeneously, it can only form via heterogeneous crystallization. As the ammonia-to-sulfate ratios of the atmospheric aerosol usually do not correspond to the stoichiometries of known crystalline substances, all solids are expected to occur in ...
Full size image The vertical grey dotted line in Fig.2separates ammonia concentrations measured in different regions in the upper troposphere5; Asian monsoon conditions are to the right of this vertical line. Our results indicate that H2SO4–NH3nucleation is probably responsible for new particle for...
Methane has been recently oxygenated (TON up to 150) with H2O2 in water in the reaction catalyzed by KVO3 in the presence of perchloric acid in low concentration.7 Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your ...
Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization Section snippets Compound, material and its preparation The 2-(5-methyl-2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl) ethyl benzoate (IMDZ-B) was prepared as giving in schema 1. So, its characterization ...