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for instance, plays a role in establishing side chain conformations and stability of secondary structures in peptides through inter- and intramolecular interactions19,20,21. The simplest SH-containing compound, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), acts as a biological signaling molecule22,23,24and as a supercond...
As a signal molecule in organisms, H2S is involved in various physiological activities with different signal pathways. Moreover, it is an endogenous sulfide and a key node of sulfur metabolism in organisms. Besides, sulfur is essential for all living organisms on Earth as a key component of ami...
Our model system consists of stacked H 2 S + S units with the nuclei lying directly on top of each other in planes perpendicular to the stacking direction. Each unit consists of a H 2 S molecule and a single S atom, which is placed along the H-S-H bond angle bisector. We found a...
This involves either the removal of sulfur from a molecule (e.g. A=S → A:) or the removal of sulfur compounds from a mixture such as biogas, methane and oil refinery streams. These processes are of great industrial and environmental importance as they ...
The J ′-dependences of the above line-profile parameters of the hydrogen-sulfide molecule are examined. In the case of CO 2 broadening, the half-widths of lines are calculated by a semiempirical method based on a parametric modification of the impact semiclassical model; the model parameters ...
Similarly, there is evidence that TGF-β played an anti-atherosclerosis role for its partial disruption of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) expression in mouse models of accelerated atherosclerosis [11]. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an ...
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is considered as a vital gaso-signaling multitasking molecule with effects on multiple biochemical and molecular processes in most living organisms, including plants. The transcriptional control of genes is an underlying mechanism through which plants govern the organized programs of...
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), previously only considered a toxic environmental air pollutant, is now increasingly recognized as an important signaling molecule able to modulate several cellular pathways in many human tissues. As demonstrated in recent studies,
Rovibrational Raman spectra of low density H2S gas have been measured with the aim of extracting the components of the polarizability tensor derivatives with respect to the normal modes of the molecule. Absolute values are obtained by comparison with the intensity of the symmetric stretching polarized...