艾玛·吉尔伯特(Emma Gilbert),由克莱尔·霍尔特(Claire Holt)扮演,是团队中最具领袖气质和头脑的人。原本是一名游泳运动员的她,因成为了美人鱼而不得不退出游泳队。艾玛的特殊能力是将水结冰,后来发展为大面积霜冻,她对水的控制力令人叹为观止。克莱尔·塞托里(Cleo Sertori),由菲碧·托金(P...
Cleo Sertori (克莱尔·塞托里)扮演者:Phoebe Tonkin (菲碧·托金)角色简介:克莱尔是一个乖乖女,父亲是一位很有名望的渔夫,还有一个经常制造麻烦的妹妹,她不会游泳而且怕水,是女孩中最善解人意的一位,后来克服了自己的恐惧,在海洋世界当了一位海豚训练员。她的能力是控制水,后来发展成形...
又名"H2O: Just Add Water" 编剧Jonathan M...Max Dann 主演Cariba Heine菲比·托金克莱尔·霍尔特安格斯·麦克拉伦Trent Sullivan 剧情 When three normal teenage girls stumble upon a ancient cave they undergo a transformation that will change their lives forever. H20 - Just A... ...
剧情:When three normal teenage girls stumble upon a ancient cave they undergo a transformation that will change their lives forever. H20 - Just Add Water, sees three very different girls facing everyday teen problems with an added twist - they're mermaids with incredible powers over water. ee...
Since natural mermaids avoid being seen by humans, they dive fully clothed into the water; former humans like Cleo, Rikki, Emma, Bella, and Evie prefer to wear swimsuits so they can enjoy the beach in private before swimming. According to early concept art forMako: Island of Secrets, merme...
H2O Just Add Water Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. View Mobile Site Check out Fandom Quizzes and challenge your friends!本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网站流量。 如我们的隐私政策所述,点击下面...
美少女人鱼 第三季 H2O: Just Add Water Season 3电影,碰到水会变成美人鱼,故事讲述三个平凡的女孩无意间闯入一个古老的洞穴然后身体发生了奇异的变化变成了三条美人鱼,而且从此有了控制水的能力,一个能使水成形和移动(第二季还拥有控制风的能力),一个能让水沸腾蒸发(第
How many seasons does H2O: Just Add Water have?Con tecnología de Alexa In season 1, when Dr. Denman saw Emma, Cleo, and Rikki enter the moon pool and "give up" their powers, why didn't Denman stick around to study the powers of the moon pool and Mako Island?
"H2O: Just Add Water"(2006) 剧情:When three normal teenage girls stumble upon a ancient cave they undergo a transformation that will change their lives forever. H20 - Just Add Water, sees three very different girls facing everyday teen problems with an added twist - they're mermaids with ...