Figures 1A, 1B catalyst heat before and after comparison of the H2-TPD and N2-TPD, respectively, shows that catalyst thermal desorption of hydrogen and nitrogen before the peak positions and peak shape is not changed, and the peak area is very small, desorption behavior has not changed. 翻译...
《新型烟草产品上市前申请(PMTA)指南》,该指南对电子烟碱 输送装置,电子烟及类似蒸汽产品在美国上市提出了更严格的要求.欧盟:烟草产品指 令(TPD)是用来规范和监督产品制造,销售,展示(产品设计,包装等)环节及所有 烟草和烟草相关产品(例如电子烟产品)的法规.电子烟及相关产品将接受 TPD 其中的 第 20 章(article ...