H2 has legacy IDENTITY() and SCOPE_IDENTITY() functions. They look like something from the SQL Server. In the real SQL Server they aren't affected by sequences, only by identity columns: CREATE TABLE TEST(ID BIGINT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, ...
Database Engine...27 H2 Console...27 Supported Platforms...
Section 7: Database Initialization Parameter Sizing Key Points * The document consists of a common section, which provides a common set of database initialization parameters used for all releases of the Oracle Database, followed by several release-specific sections, which list parameters and settings...
Persistent databases created by H2 1.4.200 and older versions require export into SQL script with that old version and creation of a new database with the new version and execution of this script in it. PR #3381: Add IDENTITY() and SCOPE_IDENTITY() to LEGACY mode ...
IDENTITY Type...132 DECIMAL Type...
H2数据库对比MySQL h2数据库大小限制,H2数据库-简介H2是开源的轻量级Java数据库。它可以嵌入Java应用程序中或以客户端-服务器模式运行。H2数据库主要可以配置为作为内存数据库运行,这意味着数据将不会持久存储在磁盘上。由于具有嵌入式数据库,因此它不用于生产开发,而主
DxDbVersionCheckStatusデバイスの DirectX Database バージョンの最後のチェックの結果を示す数値。 GPUDeviceID GPU デバイス ID。 GPUPreemptionLevel グラフィック ペイロードの GPU によりサポートされる最大プリエンプション レベル。 GPURevisionID GPU のリビジョン ID。 GPUVendorID ...
例子如下: ALTER SEQUENCE SEQ_ID RESTART WITH 1000 ALTER TABLE ADD ALTER TABLE tableName ADD name dataType [ DEFAULT expression ] [ [ NOT ] NULL ] [ AUTO_INCREMENT | IDENTITY ] [ BEFORE columnName ] 增加一个新的列到表中,这个语句提交一个打开的事务。例子如下: ALTER TABLE TEST ADD CREATE...
(DbException.java:295) at org.h2.engine.Database.openDatabase(Database.java:307) at org.h2.engine.Database.<init>(Database.java:270) at org.h2.engine.Engine.openSession(Engine.java:64) at org.h2.engine.Engine.openSession(Engine.java:176) at org.h2.engine.Engine.createSessionAndValidate...
<dependency> <groupId>com.h2database</groupId> <artifactId>h2</artifactId> <scope>runtime</scope> </dependency> 创建一个简单的实体类和存储库接口。这将是你在H2数据库中存储的数据。 @Entity public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; private...