虽然Vermont的处理时间是8个月,但加州只需3.5个月。最终,H4签证在不到两个月内获得批准,而工卡由于需要重新提交照片,拖延了两个半月。💼 GAP期:在H1B转H4 EAD期间,我担心H4签证会比EAD先获得批准,这样在H4生效后我将面临无工卡可用的局面。幸运的是,我获得了三周的无薪假,直到工卡到手后才恢复正常工作。...
USA employment based green card using H1B, L visa rules & news. Track PERM, i140 processing time. H1B 60 and 240 day grace calculator. Dropbox eligibility.
H4 Visa Holders in the US, H4 EAD processing times changes Many of theH4 Visaholders, who are living in the US and who do not have H4 EAD, may apply for the H1B lottery for FY 2024. This is no different from previous years, but due to the delays with the lab...
H4 Cons: 最大的cons是目前和男友在一起半年不到,(虽然相处的还不错,性格也互补,但时间有点短) Pros: - 不用和雇主绑定,跳槽自由,也可以开启副业了; - 出入境自由。 有没有情况类似的友友来分享一下观点🥺 ——— 4/6补充: - 男友也同意H4这个方案,我们都觉得目前是个续签证的方案。也在看婚前协议...
Current status --> H4 ,H4 EAD ,Valid until 11/02/2020. H1B New CAP COS petition filed in April 2020 @CSC.{Waiting for decision} if we file extension for H4,H4 EAD now with Primary application H1B extension receipt number ,going by the current processing time H4,H4EAD will not get ...
为配偶同时递交H4 Transfer和EAD的申请。如果需要其他帮助 ,欢迎致电800-685-6947。
转成伴侣身份 :律师最推荐选择的,因为这是转换最“容易”的身份。如果队友是公民或者绿卡,可以直接拿工卡;如果队友是H1B,H4想继续工作,需要他也提交了I-140才能拿EAD。但是,前提是你得有伴侣。 F签:有难度,但可行。最重要的是可以用CPT短暂的继续合法工作一段时间。需要提前跟雇主沟通。
Various Immigration Trackers to Track status of H1B Visa Applications, H1B Visa Stamping at Consulates, 221g related issues for various visas and H4 EAD Applications status, including US Port of Entry (POE) Statuses
We have received many requests/questions on applying for H4 EAD. Here is the Step by Step guide for applying H4 EAD. Who are eligible for H4 EAD? Eligible individuals would include H-4 dependent spouses of… H-1B, H-1B Extension May 20, 2015 H-1B Extension Premium Processing Suspende...