http://VisaGrader.com社区爆料,H1B目前统计到的中签率低的离谱 ,有图表显示,200个候选人中只有5%的候选人中签。 此外,Telegram和Facebook中有关H1B的分享中,在近1000名参与者中,只有33个幸运儿。 看着这个低穿地心的中签率,律师Attorney Emily Neumann火速打电话给美国移民局求证,不过得到的结果却是:The USCIS s...
在H-1B被移民局批准之后,选择Consular Processing(领馆程序)的申请人需要先在其所在国的美国使领馆申请H-1B 签证(Visa Stamp),再入境美国来激活H-1B身份;选择通过Change of Status的申请人虽然可以在美国境内从其他身份转为H-1B身份,但一旦离开美国,仍需要在境外的美国使领馆申请H-1B visa stamp后才能以H-1...
If the applicant has a college degree or work experience and the job requires a college degree, then the applicant should be able to obtain an H1B visa. Spouses and children of H1B visa holders may enter and remain in the US in H4 status.H4 visaholders may attend school in the US but...
看h1b visa网站的历史记录,Policy Analyst这个岗位, 半壁江山都是我们机构的人,还有就是Google这么一个科技公司,剩下的都是零星的ngo,赞助1-2个人这种。 我们公司可能真是少有的能给我们专业的人提供工作签证的存在了 找工作的本质真是打一个信息差,我以前根本不知道加州有这么一个公司对国际生很友好,尤其还和我...
H1B Visa Benefits You do not have to maintain a foreign residence and show intent to return to your home country while applying for the visa Your dependents can stay with you as long as you maintain your H1B status. They can also attend school You can freely travel in and out of the U...
The H1B Visa allows a foreign professional to enter the United States and work on a temporary bases for a U.S. employer. The visa is good for 3 years and can be extended for an additional 3 years, making a total of 6 years. The H1B Visa applicant is allowed to bring along a ...
Handout #1Different Types of VISA StatusDid You Know:H1B Visa lasts 3 years from appt. start dateGreen card must be applied for during first 18 monthsContact Info
写此文是因为当时首次回国申请H1B visa的时候上网找不到很多关于这个话题的文章,而F1签证的文章却到处都是,签完证之后才知道,原来H1B比F1好签许多,这也是为什么签经很少的原因吧。。。 首先证实一点,H1B现在已经是一年多次往返签证了,入境次数和学生F1一样,比较方便在美国工作。 H1B签证的步骤和F1基本一样,而且准...
除了H1B还有什么能在美国工作的方式? ▪️12/18(六) 1:00PM - 3:00PM (EST): H1B, J1, & O1 Visa (韦菁兰律师, 林志涛律师) 👩🏻💼 …