今年十月F1到H1B身份转换,因为F1没有超过五年,所以同时从non resident alien 到 resident alien身份转换。 我三月入境美国,十月转身分,single status file. 我这种情况有两种身份可以选择。 1. dual status和resident 的选择 选择dual status的依据是 https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/taxation-...
因为美国的税法给了这几种人一些例外豁免(exemption). 通常地,F-1 学生在美国的头五年和J-1 访问学者的头两年会被视为“non-resident”。F, M, J 等非定居外国人(non-resident alien),通常只需要就美国境内的FDAP收入 (fixed or determinable annual or periodical gains, profits and income) 报税。FDAP ...
Note that the prevailing wage is generally lower for non-profit and academic/research organizations. H1B Beneficiary Eligibility In order to qualify for an H1B visa, the alien must demonstrate that s/he is able to work in the 'speciality occupation' for which s/he is being hired by the ...
1.确定自己的身份是Non-resident alien还是resident alien。 对于大部分2014年4月15号之前仍然是F1状态或者经过了一年F1/OPT->H1B身份转换的中国同学,只有2种情况下可以视为resident alien: 1)持有绿卡; 2)在美国待满5年。除此之外,需要做Substantial Presence Test(见IRS官网 http://www.irs.gov/Individuals/Int...
In addition to this, the rule will add the phrase ‘‘or otherwise provided status’’ after ‘‘an alien admissible in E–1, E–2, E–3, H–1B, L–1, or TN classification and his or her dependents may be admitted to the United States’’. This will allow these nonimmigrant visa...
如题,申博后最近拿到了申请H1b的intake form,对方是非盈利单位,听说也可以享受免税的政策,那么请问该...
Under Section 214(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, if a nonimmigrant applies for adjustment of status to become a permanent resident, he or she is then presumed to have immigrant intent, thus no longer eligible to maintain non-immigrant status. Section 214(h), however, makes an ex...
Once you become a resident alien, you become subject to the ACA just like a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Options for ACA compliant insurance are more varied; we detail two options below: employer-sponsored insurance and insurance through the state and federal exchanges. The third option...
The process can take several months to complete, but once approved, the foreign worker will become a lawful permanent resident of the United States. How to Switch from H-1B to Green Card There are a few ways to switch from an H-1B visa status to a green card. The most common is th...