美国H1B申请关于Consular Notification与Change of Status 公司律所在帮员工提交H-1B申请的时候,可以为员工选择以下两种H-1B生效方式,生效方式的不同会导致H-1B生效时间的不同: Consular Notification:境外激活 在这种生效方式下,(被批准的)H-1B在10月1号不会自动生效。员工可以选择在10月1日后(OPT到期前)的任...
您好,您申请的是change of status还是consular processing对您的H1B申请本身批准都不会影响 ...
who may be working on OPT, can file a H1B Visa petition to USCIS with Change of Status(COS) option. The advantage of COS from F1 visa to H1B visa is that you can continue to work after OPT expiration starting from October 1st, 2013 without leaving the country. You have to ...
In addition, your status will not change to H-1/4 until COS is approved, which can take 2-3 months. So even though you will be able to join your family early, but you will not be on H-1/4 until 4-5 months from now. Chances are 221g will get resolved prior to that. Reply ...
It is quite hard for applicants to know the general status of everyone to understand their situation. We have put together a tracker along with good graphs for analysis. It is completely anonymous as we do not capture your case number or any personal information. It is community contributed da...