and the jets in accreting compact objects. In the present work, wereport new constraints on these issues, through the long term study of the radio andX-ray behaviour of the black hole candidate H1743−322. This source is known to beone of the ‘outliers’ of the universal radio/X-ray ...
In this work, we will characterize the X-ray and radio properties of H1743−322 during the outburst decay in 2003, compare these properties to the general properties of black hole transients, and discuss the unique properties of this source in detail. We will especially ...
We present a variability study of the black hole candidate and X-ray transient H1743-322 during its 2003-2004 outburst. We analyzed five Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer observations that were performed as part of a multiwavelength campaign, as well as six observations from the early rise of the ...
We analyze the RXTE observations of the 2009 outburst of H~1743-322, as well as the observations of the previous five outbursts for comparison. The hardness-intensity diagram (HID) shows a complete counter-clockwise q-track for the 2009 outburst and, interestingly, the track falls in} between...
发货地 山东聊城 商品类型 冶金钢材 、 型材 、 工字钢/H型钢 商品关键词 Q235EH型钢 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: 鸿运腾达 长度: 12 加工服务: 是 质量等级: AAAA 配送服务: 是 品名: 鸿运腾达 计重方式: 公斤 产品标准: 11263 规格: 400x200x6x6 是否包含配送: 是 产地: 莱钢 马钢 安钢...
学术范收录的Journal The disk-wind-jet connection in the black hole H 1743-322,目前已有全文资源,进入学术范阅读全文,查看参考文献与引证文献,参与文献内容讨论。学术范是一个在线学术交流社区,收录论文、作者、研究机构等信息,是一个与小木虫、知乎类似的学术讨
学术范收录的Repository The Disk-Wind-Jet Connection in the Black Hole H 1743-322,目前已有全文资源,进入学术范阅读全文,查看参考文献与引证文献,参与文献内容讨论。学术范是一个在线学术交流社区,收录论文、作者、研究机构等信息,是一个与小木虫、知乎类似的学术
A Failed outburst of H1743-322 H 1743-322 is a bright BHC observed by HEAO-1 in 1977. The source underwent again in outburst in 2003 after about 25 years. After the 2003 outburst (the br... F Capitanio,T Belloni,MD Santo,... - X-ray Astronomy Conference 被引量: 0发表: 2010年 ...