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胜牌CE H07Z-K 1.5~95平方单芯纯铜线缆低烟无卤电缆绝缘电线 复购率: 0% 15年 ¥145.0 成交0笔 东莞市 胜牌H07Z-K 35MM VDE electrical wire control cable 复购率: 0% 3年 ¥5552.0 成交0笔 东莞市 2.5mm2 H07Z1-K低烟无卤交联聚烯烃绝缘单芯线/上海国柔厂家直销 复购率: 25% ...
测试电压:2.5kV 小弯曲半径 固定:4x d 小查曲半径移动:15xd 温度等级:-30°C/+90“C 无卤素 :符合 IEC 60754 腕蚀性: 符合IEC 61034 阻燃等级:自熄和阻燃符合 IEC60332-1-2 标准符合 EN 50525-3-41 产品标识: Aein beike SHANGHAI AEIN WIRE & CABLE CO..LTD 型号 规格电压 CE搜...
腐蚀性: 符合 IEC 61034 阻燃等级:自熄和阻燃符合IEC 60332-1-2 标准:符合 EN 50525-3-41 产品标识: Aein beike SHANGHAI AEIN WIRE & CABLE CO.LTD 型号 规格电压 CE ·符合RoHS ·符合 2014/35/EU 指令(“低电压指令")CE ·我们根据要求制造特殊版本、其他尺寸、横截面、芯和护套颜色。上...
TOXFREE ZH H07Z-K is a flexible cable for fixed and protected installations. It is highly recommended for use in public places such as: hospitals, schools, museums, airports, bus terminals, shopping malls, offices, laboratories, etc. Not suitable for wet places or immersed. ...
Flexible and halogen free (LSZH) power cable for public places. TOXFREE ZH H07Z-K is a flexible cable for fixed and protected installations. It is highly recommended for use in public places such as: hospitals, schools, museums, airports, bus terminals, shopping malls, offices, laboratories...
企业网站: www.berisecable.cn 联系地址 公司地址: 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区环龙路65弄1号三层、四层 咨询底价 爱企查 关于我们用户协议免责声明 友情链接:爱采购加盟星 联系我们 用户反馈:点此反馈 商务合作:bd-aiqicha@baidu.com 数据来源 国家企业信用信息公示系统信用中国中国裁判文书网 中国执行信息公开网...
工作电压300/500V (H05Z-K), 450/750V (H07Z-K) 测试电压2500V 动态弯曲半径8 x Ø 静态弯曲半径8 x Ø 应用时的工作温度-15º C to +90º C 静态时可承受的温度-40º C to +90º C 阻燃IEC 60332.1 绝缘电阻10 MΩ x km ...
Integrated wiring cable Floor heating system cable Lighting System Cable Air Conditioning System Cable Industrial Connector Lighting System Cable H07Z-K 450/750V heat-resistant 90°C cross-linked low-smoke halogen-free single-core flexible cable for fixed wiring The single-core cable can generate...