As a first example of a system satisfying quantumH-theorem, we consider an electron elastically scattered by the one-dimensional (1D) potential barrier, seeFig. 2. Let the electron reflection be accompanied by the change of the reservoir state (e.g. let the reflection to imply emission of ...
AN H-THEOREM FOR A CONDITIONAL MCKEAN-VLASOV PROCESSRELATED TO INTERACTING DIFFUSIONS ON REGULAR TREESKEVIN HU AND KAVITA RAMANANAbstract. We study the long-time behavior of the κ-Markov local-f i eld equation (κ-MLFE), which is aconditional McKean-Vlasov equation associated with locally intera... OPEN H-theorem in quantum physics received: 19 April 2016 accepted: 16 August 2016 Published: 12 September 2016 G. B. Lesovik1,2, A. V. Lebedev2, I. A. Sadovskyy3, M. V. Suslov4 & V. M. Vinokur3 Remarkable progress of ...
作者: H Chen 摘要: For lattice gas systems obeying Fermi-Dirac statistics, an H-theorem can be proved with a more general condition that the semi-detailed balance condition. This new condition allows more flexible transition rates among states, so that it has broader applicability for various ...
WHEN Boltzmann first published the celebrated theorem now generally known as the H-theorem, he used the symbol E (presumably as the first letter of entropy), not H. It has been suggested that when H was first used for this theorem it was intended to be t
By means of an H-theorem it is shown that transient solutions of one-variable Fokker–Planck equations with drift terms depending on process mean values converge to stationary distributions. Thus, Shiino's H-theorem for the mean field Fokker–Planck equation proposed by Desai and Zwanzig is gener...
ontheclassicalorquantumnatureofthegas. Thetime-evolutionofthesystemisdescribedby the relationship dH/dt ≤ 0, and the equality condition occurs if the system is in the equilibriumstate. Via the variational method, proof of the previous relationship, which might be an extensionof the H -theorem ...
From the same point of view, a logical loophole is pointed out in the indiscriminate application of the H-theorem to the past. The so-called irreversibility of observation is interpreted in terms of the decrease of "information" in ... Watanabe,Satosi - 《Review of Modern Physics》 被引量...