梁的截面尺寸为b×h=250mm×500mm,C30混凝土,受拉钢筋HRB335级,受压钢筋用 HPB235级,计算简图如题图所示,环境类别为一类。 若Gk=95kN,Qk=20kN,gk=2.600kN/m,qk=0.9kN/m,则梁的控制截面内力设计值为()kN·m。 A.229.7B.250.6C.284.0D.294.6 该题目是单项选择题,请记得只要选择1个答案!正确...
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1.直接写得数。$$ 320 \times 30=9600 $$ 8h$$ 40 \times 17=680 280 \div 7=40 $$40 9600$$ 500
Final stretching may be to 105 to 125 times the initial length and may be conducted at 100- 260 C. In examples:-(1) a copolymer of 90% acrylonitrile and 10% methyl acrylate and a copolymer of 88% acrylonitrile and 12% methyl acrylate are separately dissolved in 50% aqueous sodium ...
$$ 500-1500 $$a0s1$$ (896-1)\times 081 $$8h$$ 0=005 \times 0 $$O$$ 98 \times 80-8 \times 96 $$【题目】 $$ 86-8 \times 86 $$d$$ 0.80-0.8= $$$ 0+8-9 \times 0+1 $$068$$ 421-01 \times 01 $$小1①⑤①③ 相关...
题目The coast of the State of Maine is one of the most irregular in the world.A straight line running from the southernmost coastal city to the northernmost coastal city would measure about 225miles.If you followed the coastline between these points,you would travel more ...
题目 $$ 128+272=400 $$o0h$$ 000-0.0=500 $$Ocg$$ 901=5 \times 12 $$gol$$ 000 $$001c$$ 60-6=50 $$0G$$ 30+3=30 $$08ooc$$ 300=3000 $$o2s$$ O K Z = O S L $$$ 60+50=200 $$oot$$ c+c=14 $$chl 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 答案见上 反馈 ...
龙佰集团或将成为又一家A+H上市公司。 近日,作为全球钛白粉行业的头部标的,龙佰集团(002601.SZ)在港交所递交招股书,拟在香港主板发行H股上市。 公司计划集资10亿至15亿美元(折合约78亿至117亿港元),中金、招银国际、国泰君安以及广发融资为联席保荐人。若此次在港交所成功上市,龙佰集团将实现A+H两地布局。