v frequency over range 刷新率超过显卡或显示器最大值,你在安全模式下刷新率调低一点,就好了~
Pulse Contributors Commits Code frequency Dependency graph Network Forks Forks switch to list view yui / yui3 12d / yui3 16L / yui3 29decibel / yui3 2bees-rd / yui3 600rr / yui3 95rangerxlt / yui3 aa705 / yui3 d3jii / yui3 ...
This study aimed to examine the association between meeting 24-h movement guidelines and cardiometabolic health in Chilean adults. We used cross-sectional data of 2618 adults from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016–2017. Meeting the 24-h
VMRDeinterlaceCaps 结构 VMRDeinterlacePrefs 枚举 VMRDeinterlaceTech 枚举 VMRFrequency 结构 VMRGUID 结构 VMRMixerPrefs 枚举 VMRMode 枚举 VMRMONITORINFO 结构 VMRPresentationFlags 枚举 VMRPRESENTATIONINFO 结构 VMRRenderPrefs 枚举 VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags 枚举 VMRVideoDesc 结构 VMRVIDEOSTREAMINFO 结构 下载PDF Le...
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