HUGHES, SAMUEL T Attorney, Agent or Firm: FLEIT, JACOBSON, COHN, PRICE (WASHINGTON, DC, US) Claims: What is claimed as new is as follows: 1. A method of decreasing air/fuel leakage in a carburetor including a main body defining at least one air-fuel mixture intake passage extending the...
outlet, a bracket affixed to an interior back surface of, said rear housing, said bracket adapted to receive and constrain at least an upper portion of a fire extinguisher, at least one electrical outlet, said at least one electrical outlet operatively connected to said electrical plug, one of...
Samuel L. Jackson, primed to defend innocents and come out of retirement, really sells it when he sees the devastation and shouts, “Honey! Where is my super suit?!” His wife’s reply: “Oh, no you don’t! I have been planning this dinner with the Robinsons for weeks!” “Honey!
PQ640F/H气动偏心半球阀 双偏心半球阀利用偏心阀体,偏心球体和阀座,阀杆作旋转运动时在共同轨迹自动定心,关闭过程中越关越紧,完全达到良好的密封目的。阀门的球体和阀座完全脱离,消除了密封圈的磨损,克服了传统球体阀座与球体密封面始终磨损的问题,非金属弹性材料被嵌入金属座中,阀座金属面受到良好的保护。本产品特别适...
The fluid feed unit is a tube with fine holes or pores, a tube with slits or a tube fitted with at least one spray jet.doi:DE19611864 C1BRITZ HERBERTGOMMEL AXELHOLIK HERBERTKEMPER MARTINKRIEBEL ALMUTMANNES WOLFGANGMARTIN THOMASSCHABEL SAMUELSCHULZE HANS JOACHIM DR...
The heating system 136 heats the region near the outlet 144 to about 700° C. to ignite the combustion. The ratio of the oxygen 134 to the hydrogen 132 is provided into the combustion chamber so that the hydrogen is completely burned. Another method of conversion of hydrogen into electrical...