has been widely applied for the evaluation of personal performance of scientists and for the evaluation of scholarly journals.After an evaluation of Journal of Library Science in China with h-index,the authors fred that the h-index is as high as 30,which is the highest for Chinese periodicals...
hp-c指数对具有相同指数的作者拥有较好的区分,区分度高达100%;hp-c指数对作者数量和作者署名顺序,单篇被引频次等敏感度较高,指标结果更加全面精细.%Purpose/Signification] Aiming at solving the problems of pure h-index for author impact assessing, this article improves the index to achieve a better ...
Author information Authors and Affiliations School of Botany and Zoology, Australian National University, Canberra, 0200, ACT, Australia Clint D. Kelly & Michael D. Jennions Additional information Contributions to Correspondence may be submitted to correspondence@nature.com. They should be no longer tha...
h index查询 https://www.scopus.com/results/authorNamesList.uri?sort=count-f&src=al&sid=cbe762454a53aa5a9b57dc7da86b3644&sot=al&sdt=al&sl=44&s=AUTHLASTNAME%28Scheirer%29+AND+AUTHFIRST%28Walter%29&st1=Scheirer&st2=Walter&orcidId=&selectionPageSearch=anl&reselectAuthor=false&activeFlag=...
The h-index has been quickly adopted as the metric of choice for many committees and bodies. How to Calculate An Author’s H-Index The h-index calculation is pretty simple. You plot the number of papers versus the number of citations you (or someone else) have received, and the h-inde...
Hirsch's h-index seeks to give a single number that in some sense summarizes an author's research output and its impact. Essentially, the h-index seeks to identify the most productive core of an author's output in terms of most received citations. This most productive set we refer to as...
An author's profile on Google Scholar consists of indexed articles and associated data, such as the number of citations and the H-index. The author is allowed to merge articles; this may affect the H-index. We analyze the (parameterized) computational complexity of maximizing the H-index usi...
示例1: crawl_author ▲点赞 6▼ # 需要导入模块: from models import Author [as 别名]# 或者: from models.Author importh_index[as 别名]defcrawl_author():""" Crawls Google Scholar in order to retrieve information about an author. """# The ID of the author in Google Scholar.scholar_id ...
Author contributions L.L. and T.Z. planned and performed this research, contributed equally to this work, and wrote this paper. Q.M.Z. performed research. H.E.S. planned the research and edited this paper. All authors discussed the results and reviewed the manuscript. Additional information...
Search for Teensy_TimerInterrupt in Platform.io Author's Libraries Use included platformio.ini file from examples to ensure that all dependent libraries will installed automatically. Please visit documentation for the other options and examples at Project Configuration FilePackages' Patches...