The h-index calculation is pretty simple. You plot the number of papers versus the number of citations you (or someone else) have received, and the h-index is the number of papers at which the 45-degree line (citations=papers, orange) intercepts the curve, as shown inFigure 1. That ...
From these sources, a number of themes were identified and discussed ranging from the h-index's advantages to which citation database might be selected for its calculation. Findings - The analysis shows how the h-index has quickly established itself as a major subject of interest in the field...
H-index, a single number proposed by J. E. Hirsch in 2005 has gained popularity as an index number to measure the research performance of individuals, institutions, universities, etc. There are many calculators to derive the h-in dex number, such as Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus,...
(1998), The calculation of Web impact factors. Journal of Documentation, 54(2): 236–243. Article Google Scholar Jacso, P. (2005), As we may search — Comparison of major features of Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar citation-based and citation-enhanced databases. Current Science...
The index is determined by taking the number of publications and the number of times these publications have been cited by others. Although it is widely used in academia, many authors find its calculation confusing. There are websites such as Google Scholar, Scopus, ...
However, for estimation purposes, these numbers should be rounded-off to the nearest integer, not only in order to produce numbers in the same range of values as the h-index but also to avoid “false precision”. (Hicks et al. 2015). To give an example illustrating the calculation of ...
We analyze the h-index, one of publication activity indexes, considering it to be the most appropriate scientometric indicator that allows to smooth over many drawbacks of scientific output assessment by mere calculation of the number of publications or citations. We also discuss using the Web of...
Therelativelysimpleh-indexcalculationhascontributedtoitswidespreaduse(SugimotoandLar-ivière,2018),andit waspromoted in several journalsandnewsoutletsinthe begin-ning(Ball,2005).Hirsch’soriginalworkfrom2005,for example,hasbeen cited4,530timesaccordingtothe bibliographicdatabasesScopus(accessedOctober25,2019)...
The Scopus database is limited in that h-index calculations are only based on publications from 1996 to the present. Since many individuals we would be examining would be full professors, we expected that they may have highly cited papers published prior to 1996. Google Scholar (GS), while ...
Disruption indices and their calculation using web-of-science data: Indicators of historical developments or evolutionary dynamics? 2021, Journal of Informetrics Citation Excerpt : A new research field was developed using and referencing this source. Since the introduction of the h-index by Hirsch (20...