Alphabetic is a small project that was born out of the need to find out the alphabet of different languages for a private NLP project. Determining the alphabet (or other script types) of a language plays an important role in a variety of NLP tasks and can be used, for example, to class...
af -> afrikaans an -> aragonese bg -> bulgarian bs -> bosnian ca -> catalan cs -> czech cy -> welsh da -> danish de -> german el -> greek en -> default en-gb -> english en-sc -> en-scottish en-uk-north -> english-north en-uk-rp -> english_rp en-uk-wmids -> engli...
From their side of the Atlantic, the British have shopped for new words like consumers on Black Friday with money to burn. Now, if your Dutch is good, you’ll manage the joys of Afrikaans, with itsaardvark, kraal,andlaager; apparently in the rich soil of South Africa, the letteragrows...
An original story with learning activities was created by the first author for the study reported in De Wet et al. (2015). It was translated from Afrikaans to isiXhosa by the third author, a first-language isiXhosa speaker who is fluent in Afrikaans. A professional artist illustrated the st...