#宇宙探索指南# H-II运输载具(H-II Transfer Vehicle,HTV)也称为白鹳号(KOUNOTORI)#从地球出发# ,是一艘用来补给国际太空站的无人太空船。日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)自1990年代初期即断断续续的设计和建造HTV;最先预定于2001年首次发射使用,后延后至2009年9月发射。至后、日本已于日本时间2009年9月11日...
H-II Transfer Vehicle(HTV) is an unmanned transfer vehicle launched by H-IIB rocket and supports the ISS logistics operations. The design is complicated and based on the experience of H-II, Satellites and JEM which Japan has developed. It can deliver 6tons of pressurized and unpressurized ...
The H-Ⅱ Transfer Vehicle was designed to carry supplies to the International Space Station and carry waste from the ISS to burn up in Earth's atmosphere. Sponsor. The HTV was designed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to fulfill the agency's obligations to support the ISS. ...
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is now developing the HTV-X, the successor to the H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV). The HTV, also known as the Kounotori, was an unmanned cargo vehicle that transferred supplies to the International Space Station (ISS) with the largest spacefaring ca...
Especially for the propulsion systems, which have multiple high thrust engines, such as HTV (H-II transfer vehicle), the effect is more important. Therefore full-saturated propellants should be used at ground tests of HTV propulsion system and evaluate its effects. HTV is an advanced space ...
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heatsensitivevarnish heatstroke heatstroke onset heattransfersurface heattransferp heattreatmentline heat carry away heaulmiere heave a ship apeak heave natural frequen heave ratio heave velocity heave weight heaved a brick throug heavein heaven phase points heaven harmony heaven hill heaven hotel-vilniu...