H&H International Investment LLC 的投资决策和持仓变动受到市场的关注,也成为投资者研究和参考的对象之一。
段永平的H&HInternationalInvestment, LLC在2023年第四季度末,该机构总共持有九家公司,总市值144.5亿美元,前四大持仓为114.98亿美元苹果、16.92亿美元伯克希尔哈撒韦、7.57亿美元谷歌、3.84亿美元的阿里巴巴,5到9位为迪士尼、西方石油、摩德纳、欢聚时代和美国银行。相比上一季度,新买入西方石油,增持阿里巴巴、摩德纳、美国银行...
The article offers a corporate profile of Casting Industry Suppliers Association member HA International LLC. It notes that the company is the largest supplier of products for core and mold production serving the foundry industry in North America. It also looks into the company's operational ...
ICT Technology Services More Info PreviousNext Haiwah International Group Ltd is a strategic holding firm based in South Sudan with head office based in the main Capital Juba. Founded in 2019 as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), Haiwah International Group holds majority equity interests and asset...
Information Technology represents a substantial and growing investment in most businesses. We will we make sure that you get the most out of the computer and network systems that you currently own. We'll also make sure that any computer equipment you purchase going forward will give you the mos...
DERIK MILLS // DMH INTERNATIONAL // DMH International, is your placee for direct access to the japanese semiconductor industry
彼亦为公司的附属公司广州市合生元生物制品有限公司(「广州合生元」)、合生元(广州)健康产品有限公司(「合生元健康」)、广州葆艾婴幼儿护理用品有限公司(「广州葆艾」)、合生元(广州)教育管理有限公司(「合生元教育」)、Biostime International Investment Limited(「Biostime Investment 」)及Biostime Hong Kong Limited(「...
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According to international requirements for edible oils, the copper and nickel contents (0.713 ± 0.005 µg/g and 0.195 ± 0.005 µg/g, respectively) were higher than the permissible limits (0.1 µg/g Cu and 0.2 µg/g Ni [62]) in UBO; with only nickel (0.339 ± 0.004 µg/...