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It was around this time that I had switched my pronouns to he/they and eventually to they/them to little fanfare on my twitter profile (but never enforced any sort of adherence). I was never non-binary, but the increasing detachment from what it meant to be “a man” made he/him mor...
VDS_IA_FCPH3 Value:3 The address type is FCPH3. VDS_IA_MAC Value:4 The address type is MAC. VDS_IA_SCSI Value:5 The address type is SCSI. Remarks TheVDS_INTERCONNECTstructure includes aVDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPEvalue as a member to indicate an interconnect address type. ...
Team - Panathinaikos FC H8f Türk -2 points25 weeks ago Thanks for saying youre sorry for being a jerk. You shouldnt have judge me because of my profile picture (which has nothing to do with ring wing or any politics. Its a thousands of years old historic symbol of turkic nations.) ...
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