I talked about my experiences with choosing to be child free on reddit and twitter and experienced a large amount of hatred for such a tiny and personal decision. I was told that I was “lesser” and that I was “not a man” for having an out-patient surgery on my own genitals that ...
hexo 魔改静态博客,集成全局搜索、评论区功能
Twitter API 1.1 Oath Examples 2013年08月2日PHP, Twitter Offical Code Example: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/oauth/single-user-with-examples PHP lib: https://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth Leave a comment LESS css compiler 2013年04月15日CSS, Javascript, LESS, PHP, 未分类less ...
https://www.python.org/doc/humor/ https://www.satwikkansal.xyz/archives/posts/python/My-Python-archives/🎓 License© Satwik KansalHelpIf you have any wtfs, ideas or suggestions, please share.Want to share wtfpython with friends?You can use these quick links for Twitter and Linkedin.Twit...
It’s time to return to funding the federal government as was Constitutionally and successfully done for the first 100+ years of our history with Imposts, Duties and Excise taxes, which provided all the money that legitimate government needed. Audit the Fed & IRS! (President Trump’s new “...
I have a few stock 20a H830 phones (haven't flashed with LOS or other custom yet) as well as a LOS 17.1 I just flashed yesterday and having issues getting GCam to run without FC'ing on any of them... thnx man Not sure which one I was using anymore tbh (got a new phone), ...
Gallery FC when trying to connect to other apps. Solution: Just replace the one in the S6 pack with the one in the ROM before flashing the S6 pack. Last edited: Aug 15, 2015 Reactions: 5003006, Randhis, khoailang2500 and 39 others Hani K. Senior Member Mar 19, 2015 694...
Der neue FC wird dann im ersten Netzwerk des OB1 hinter einer freien Triggervariable (Merker oder DB.DBX-irgendwas) geschalten. Am Ende des neuen FC die Triggervariable zwingend auf FALSE setzen. Den OB100 ändern, sodass nur noch die Triggervariable auf 1 gesetzt wird. Zue...
//twitter.com/ 1 0.00% http://twitter.com/account/begin_password_reset 1 0.00% http://tx-irving2.civicplus.com/2320/Climate 1 0.00% http://ugsedgt.unaux.com/rss.xml 1 0.00% http://unisan1.rssing.com/chan-9697446/latest.php 1 0.00% http://unsplash.pro/how-to-make-biodiesel-...
assert( fc.property(fc.integer(), fc.string(), (id, name) => { expect(addNewProduct(id, name).status).toEqual("approved"); }) )); }); }); ⚪ ️ 1.8 If needed, use only short & inline snapshots ✅ Do: When there is a need for snapshot testing, use only short and ...