Define H-field. H-field synonyms, H-field pronunciation, H-field translation, English dictionary definition of H-field. n. A condition found in the region around a magnet or an electric current, characterized by the existence of a detectable magnetic for
high contrast keyboar high definition audio high density buffer high density gpu serv high density polyethy high density resistiv high dependability high dollar amount high doping high dosage ion impla high drop high dynamic high efficiency evapo high efficiency produ high efficient and re high effici...
hdtv hyperdatatransfe hdv hepatits d virus hdvs high definition hdw hardware hdx half duplex hdx hardware hes on his way his fl hes out for lunch wou hes there in my heart hes young but hes dai he-cd lasers he-ne laser he-nelaseraccupunctur he-ne laser cure inst he-teg hes so sh...
betulina and indeed all Taphrina species has been the definition of species boundaries. Historically, the following characteristics have been used to define Taphrina species: morphology, host of origin, geographical location of isolation, growth habit within the plant tissues, and symptoms induced in ...
One strategy is to administer antigen-untested platelets and simultaneously collect platelets from the mother (by definition she is antigen-negative), if feasible, for subsequent use. It is not common to confirm the diagnosis of NAIT in first-borns; however, if the clinical suspicion is high, ...
this is whether the included items cover the theoretical definition they are aimed to represent [51]. If the wording of items is too similar, Cronbach’s alpha, content validity, and dimensionality will be falsely improved. In consequence, the average correlation among items increases, and therefo...
The final definition of active infection was positive histology or rapid urease test result. The authors conclude that the 13C-urea blood test accurately identifies H. pylori infections without the need for endoscopy. This test can provide physicians with a less expensive alternative to more ...
Results: Only 22 (18.49%) of respondents presented the definition of quality. Attempts to meet patients' expectations and to satisfy them were found to be the prevailing perception of the healthcare quality and 96.64% of respondents considered competences of medical staff cont...
hdt high definition t hdtp handheld device hdv what you need to hdvs hdvsmc hdy he a peasant he absolutely he actually he aint coming off th he alarms it his he also powerful feat he also tells reporte he always likes that he always stammer he always tries to ge he and his wife he...
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