Triplet state ODMR spectroscopy : edited by Richard H. Clarke, John Wiley and Sons 1982. 43.75 (x + 566 pages) ISBN 0 471 07988 Xdoi:10.1016/0165-9936(83)88015-7PhilipH. BoltonElsevier B.V.Trac Trends in Analytical Chemistry
A.B.ClarkeandS.H.Coverman / 1987-08-20 /CRC Press Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780412296604 Author 作者 A.B. Clarke and S.H. Coverman Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 300页 Publisher 出版社 CRC Press Publication Date 出版日期 1987-08-20 Shipping Weight 商品重量 453g Language...
(1987), Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Volume 129 (Editors: A. Clarke, R. W. Compans, M. Cooper, H. Eisen, W. Goebel, H. Koprowski, F. Melchers, M. Oldstone, R. Rott, P. K. Vogt, H. Wagner and I. Wilson). VII + 215 S., 43 Abb., Berlin-Heidelberg-New...
T hen his father s ai d proudly,"Fathers always know 7 t han sons!" T h e boy thought for a whil e and said," 8!" "Oh? Why?" aske d M r. Clarke. Mik e didn't answer an d asked,9___,"Who invente d th e electric light s?" "T homas Edison."answere d Mr. Cla...
(1987), Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Volume 128 (Editros: A. Clarke, R. W. Compans, M. Cooper, H. Eisen, W. Goebel, H. Koprowski, F. Milchers, M. Oldstone, R, ROTT, P. K. VOGT, H. WAGNER and I. WILSON). VII + 122 S., 12 Abb. Berlin-Heidelberg-New...
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Then his father said proudly, "Fathers always know __11.__than sons!" The boy thought for a while and said, __12.__" "Oh? Why?" Mike didn’t answer and asked, __13.__, "Who invented the electric lights?" __14.__ "answered Mr Clarke. "Why didn't his father invent th...
Clarke, C. and B. Carswell. 2007. Principles of Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Google Scholar Clemmow, P. C. and J. P. Dougherty. 1990. Electrodynamics of Particles and Plasmas. CRC Press, Boca Raton Google Scholar Clemmow, P. C. and A. J. Willson...
Emilia Clarke Husband In Real Life: Did She Secretly Get Married? Timeline Of Her Boyfriends Emilia Clarke and her love life have always been a topic of concern to her fans around the globe. To be more specific, fans have wondered if the diva is married and has a husband. If not, doe...
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