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have lifelike scenes have little to do wit have long been have lots to eat and have lunch in a resta have made good result have management abili have many caressing a have money in ones po have my dream have my face on the m have never integrated have nightmares about have no appetite...
Now we have lots of UK chums turning up …I liken the site to tiny village and we are all in our rows .. some ppl you know some you don’t .. ppl pop in for a visit or to ask for info about some thing we know and they don’t .. as in how much can I get the spray pa...
Born in 1934 to David and Fanny Bard, Jewish immigrants from Hungary, Stanley was just a boy when his family took over management of the hotel. He immediately fell in love with the old building, and soon knew it inside and out, crawling around in the crawl spaces and secret nooks and c...
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