gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/javascripttext/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript; ... } 上述配置中,`gzip on;`表示启用gzip压缩功能,`gzip_min_length 1024;`表示当文件大小大于1KB时才进行压缩,`gzip_comp_level 2;`表示压缩级别,范围为1-9,数值越大,...
json 编译器 github 原创 wx5ac7669dc516c 2021-08-04 10:23:03 424阅读 java设置content type格式 javatypes 一、背景在阅读Gson源码前需要掌握有关Java的Type类型的知识点。二、Type类型2.1 Java编程语言中的所有类型Type是Java编程语言中所有类型的父接口。这里的所有的Java类型包括原生类型(rawtypes),参数化类...
<Call name="addIncludedMimeTypes"> <Arg> <Array type="String"> <Item>application/json</Item> <Item>multipart/form-data</Item> </Array> </Arg> </Call> The comment for addIncludedMimeTypes says "@param types The mime types to include (without charset or other parameters)" but only ...
package.json README MIT license express-static-gzip Provides a small layer on top ofserve-static, which allows to serve pre-gzipped files. Supportsbrotliand allows configuring any other compression you can think of as well. Ifexpress-static-gzipsaved you some time, feel free to buy me a cu...