2024年1月15日,华东理工大学与同济大学研究团队合作在Chem期刊上发表了一篇题为“Tetragonal gyroid structure from symmetry manipulation: a brand-new member of the gyroid surface family”的研究成果。该研究以嵌段共聚物与表面活性剂为组装基元构建二元自组装体系,突破传统高分子相分离gyroid结构受限于立方晶系对称性...
I'm trying to find a simple way to make gyroid structure by kangaroo, anybody know what's the best way?! I'll be happy if you share your related experiences with me, thanks! maybe attached file can help to thinking process! Hi Ali, I think the gyroid is particulary fascinating, even...
引用论文 Xin Lin, Ruitong Zhang, Wenfeng Lu, Kunpeng Zhu, Binbin Dan.Effect of Additive Manufactured Gyroid Porous Structure of Hybrid Gradients on Mechanical and Failure Properties.Additive Manufacturing Frontiers,Volume 3, Issue...
The compressive behavior of a typical triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) structure (Gyroid structure) fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) is investigated experimentally and numerically under different loading rates. By using the digital imaging correlation (DIC) method, the deformation ...
Herein, we suggest a methodology for the fabrication of well-defined metallic nanoporous spheres with single gyroid (SG) structure by simply using self-assembled diblock copolymer with double gyroid (DG) structure as a template for electroless plating. N
Fabricating dogbone-shaped specimens, inclined struts, fatigue tensile bars, and gyroid structures, their mechanical behavior and microstructure are experimentally characterized to elucidate roles of material properties, surface roughness, and structure geometry on the fatigue of the gyroid structures. ...
Mostly, the tip of the scales has the highest reflectance intensity Tpaebalke w1iltihsttshteheshλomratxevstalwuaevseolfeneagcthh value, due to the smallest pore size of gyroid structure inside. It has been convinced that larger pores will reflect longer wavelength lights with poor ...
I would like to use a two domain sheet gyroid structure for a heat exchanger. To ensure that the two domains do not mix at the in- and outlet of the liquid, the ends needs to be sealed. To do this, I thought I could take two solid gyroids, one for...
In recent years, as one of the most stable bicontinuous structures, the gyroid structure has attracted great attention due to its unique structural properties.12It adopts a body centered cubic bcc lattice with triply periodic symmetry (I4132) and intrinsic chirality.13Most importantly, the interconn...
To achieve this transformation, utilize the “meshgrid” function and apply mask to the gyroid structure so that it fits within the specified cylindrical domain. Please find the modified code which might be helpful in producing the desired figure. ThemeCopy % Clear all previous commands clear al...