Normal Ability Draft 25:56 5/1/8 6Magnus Legend I Won Match 2021-07-29 Normal Ability Draft 08:24 0/0/0 19Chaos Knight Archon IV Lost Match 2021-07-29 Normal Ability Draft 38:41 5/6/3 23Elder Titan Archon V Lost Match 2021-07-29 Normal Ability Draft 41:47 6/2...
Internal npc_dota_hero_gyrocopter Barrages with his cannon and homing missiles. The world's first non-magical flying device took over a decade to create, and less than a few seconds to shoot down. But its pilot was not deterred. Aurel returned to the skies in a newer, better Gyrocopte...
DotA 2 NoT.SmAsH plays Gyrocopter7 人观看 • 3 6月 2015 • 9年前0 人赞过NordOfChaos 72个粉丝 Subscribe: ID: Machinimasound - Escape from the TempleMachinimasound - Rallying the Defense---Follow us in s...