Internal npc_dota_hero_gyrocopter Barrages with his cannon and homing missiles. The world's first non-magical flying device took over a decade to create, and less than a few seconds to shoot down. But its pilot was not deterred. Aurel returned to the skies in a newer, better Gyrocopte...
6/2/11 26Pangolier Archon I Won Match 2021-07-28 Normal Ability Draft 41:37 7/1/27 16Legion Commander Archon IV Lost Match 2021-07-28 Normal Ability Draft 32:05 1/5/0 21Phantom Assassin Legend I Lost Match 2021-07-27 Normal Ability Draft 37:45 8/4/7 26Storm Spiri...
DOTA 2 Cosmetic Set - Gyrocopter as Vlad's Thunderbolt Quadcopter, Oleg Knyazev : Влад's Thunderbolt Quadcopter - my cosmetic set, which was published in Dota 2 Workshop: Base model by Valve. Also thanks to Joe Pikop for the nice Su ...
4 15 124 +1 #1 NIOIN View User Profile Send Message Posted Dec 5, 2019 (Shaman Nerfs) "I am Gyrocopter and this is my Gyrocopter... Wait, WHAT'S MY ACTUAL NAME!?" - Aurel (The DOTA 2 Reporter) To post a comment, please login or register a new account.Social...
在线看DotA 2 NoT.SmAsH plays Gyrocopter 3分钟 51秒。3 6月 2015的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 7 — 已浏览。
1187 2 10:28 App LVL 30 GRANDMASTER TIER TOP RANK IMMORTAL PLAYERS in Dota 2 - Ep. 18 87 -- 1:55 App Menacing - But Razor turned off the light 266 1 10:06 App 【Miracle·飞机·15-7-18】Miracle Creating a NEW META with Gyrocopter! WTF MAGIC BUILD 377 -- 13:42 App 【魔晶...
在线看DOTAPLAY #3 - GYROCOPTER ВЕРНУЛСЯВДОТА 2 11分钟 23秒。13 3月 2018的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 507 — 已浏览。 17 — 已评价。
矮人直升机直冲云霄,所有火力都已准备好随时开战。可以轰击周围所有敌人的机关炮弹,让他们应接不暇的火箭弹幕,只要让他积累了足够的力量,他就能轻而易举地毁灭敌人。 阅读完整背景故事 攻击类型 远程 复杂程度 技能 矮人直升机 78 技能 604 +2.5 327
《矮人直升机 gyrocopter - 英雄数据库 - 《DOTA2》官方...》剧情简介:2024-07-05 22:26·霏霏的娱乐日记矮人直升机 gyrocopter - 英雄数据库 - 《DOTA2》官方...一旦爆发乱战中洲面临的压力相当巨大搞不好会陷入到相当麻烦的处境当郑孙艺珍晒自己的美图也永远是老公视角↓↓ ...