柏芮朵 吉普赛发香喷雾 Byredo Gypsy Water Hair Perfume, 2015 品牌:柏芮朵 香调:芳香木质调 前调:胡椒杜松子香柠檬柠檬 中调:焚香松树鸢尾根 后调:琥珀檀香木香草 属性:中性香 标签:东方木质香草脂粉 评分人数过少 评价: 最明显的气味 +气味投票
Byredo Gypsy Water 护手霜为干燥双手带去贴心抚慰,滋养皮肤,散发诱人香气,抚慰神经。松针和檀香木与浓烈的琥珀和清新柑橘交融,让人想到吉普赛文化中的多彩之美。 细节 前调:佛手柑、刺柏果、柠檬、胡椒 中调:焚香、鸢尾草、松针 后调:琥珀、檀木、香草 30 毫升/ 1 盎司 此产品不适宜国际出口 我们的款号. BY...
Gypsy water I’m an avid wearer of gypsy water in the summer. It’s fresh citrus with a deep spicy. I love it and get so many compliments. The lotion worn along with the perfume makes it last the whole day and sometimes overnight. I love the simple packaging and the ethos of the ...
Gypsymoths harm foliage. 蛾对叶子有害。 属类:综合句库-- Paul really did admire“Gypsy”whole-heartedly; in fact, his mother scarcely forgave the boy for the adulation with which he treated the girl 而保罗确实一心一意崇拜着“吉普赛”,事实上母亲简直不能原谅他对待那姑娘的那股巴结劲儿。
Rose Noiris an unisex rose perfume. "The vision was a black rose with intensity and an animalic character." Top: grapefruit, freesia Mid: rose damascena Base: cistus moss, musks Gypsy Wateris a homage paid to gypsies, thanks to the artistic director's fascination for Romany culture. It ...
Byredo Blancheis a clean, crisp fragrance with notes of white rose, pink pepper, and aldehydes, making it one of the top perfume for men who value purity and simplicity Fragrance type: Floral If your man gravitates towards floral fragrances, you’re with someone likely to be in tune with ...
Byredo Bal D Afrique Hand Cream $50 Byredo Byredo Rose of No Mans Land Body Lotion $75 Byredo Byredo Casablanca Lily Night Veils Perfume Extract $400 Byredo Byredo Bal D'afrique Body Wash & Body Lotion Set $130 Byredo Bal D Afrique Body Wash $60 Byredo Byredo Gypsy Water Eau de...
Gypsy water I’m an avid wearer of gypsy water in the summer. It’s fresh citrus with a deep spicy. I love it and get so many compliments. The lotion worn along with the perfume makes it last the whole day and sometimes overnight. I love the simple packaging and the...
柏芮朵 吉普赛发香喷雾 Byredo Gypsy Water Hair Perfume, 2015 视频与照片 +上传照片 最新回应: >返回 柏芮朵 吉普赛发香喷雾 的页面