Byredo Gypsy Water 护手霜为干燥双手带去贴心抚慰,滋养皮肤,散发诱人香气,抚慰神经。松针和檀香木与浓烈的琥珀和清新柑橘交融,让人想到吉普赛文化中的多彩之美。 细节 前调:佛手柑、刺柏果、柠檬、胡椒 中调:焚香、鸢尾草、松针 后调:琥珀、檀木、香草 30 毫升/ 1 盎司 此产品不适宜国际出口 我们的款号. BY...
柏芮朵 吉普赛发香喷雾 Byredo Gypsy Water Hair Perfume, 2015 品牌:柏芮朵 香调:芳香木质调 前调:胡椒杜松子香柠檬柠檬 中调:焚香松树鸢尾根 后调:琥珀檀香木香草 属性:中性香 标签:东方木质香草脂粉 评分人数过少 评价: 最明显的气味 +气味投票
Rose Noiris an unisex rose perfume. "The vision was a black rose with intensity and an animalic character." Top: grapefruit, freesia Mid: rose damascena Base: cistus moss, musks Gypsy Wateris a homage paid to gypsies, thanks to the artistic director's fascination for Romany culture. It w...
Skin rejuvenating lavender toner How to:Take a handful offresh lavenderand 100 ml water. Boil the water and then pour in the buds, making sure they are completely submerged. Cover the bowl and leave the brew to steep for a few hours. Then drain the mixture, pour the water into a clean...
Byredo Byredo Casablanca Lily Night Veils Perfume Extract $400 Byredo Byredo Bal D'afrique Body Wash & Body Lotion Set $130 Byredo Bal D Afrique Body Wash $60 Byredo Byredo Gypsy Water Eau de Parfum $320 FREDERIC MALLE FREDERIC MALLE Promise Eau de Parfum $440 AMAN AMAN Umbr Fine ...
柏芮朵 吉普赛发香喷雾 Byredo Gypsy Water Hair Perfume, 2015 视频与照片 +上传照片 最新回应: >返回 柏芮朵 吉普赛发香喷雾 的页面