It’s no wonder that Pete & his half brothers & half sisters ALL became folk singers! They KNEW that music was such a powerful tool to get their message into the minds of the people. The folk tradition involves sharing & passing the stories down from generation to generation. From town ...
The Harmon family reunion was often spent cleaning up and making repairs at the Girl Scout Camp where his sisters attended. This old newspaper clipping tells about John participation at the Salt Fork Festival. After graduating from Muskingum College, John taught social studies and English in Rolling...
If you go to Facebook and look Emmanuel Mazivire up, you will see him post photos of his family, his people and say things like “One kind word can change someone’s day” or “Do not judge by appearances, a rich heart may be under a poor coat”. He has not lost hope. So Emma...
[Later in the book], after a quarrel, Gypsy and Joy "made up" and began to feel more like sisters. But then Joy bought an expensive Christmas present for Gypsy's mother, while Gypsy had only a homemade picture-frame for her mother. (In this connection Mr. Ticknor was mentioned as a...
This is seen as preparation for marriage, and as older sisters leave to start their own married lives, younger ones will step-up and take on their duties until they start a marriage and family of their own. Close family ties also extend to work; with fathers, sons, brothers and uncles...