2. A member of any of various traditionally itinerant groups unrelated to the Romani. 3. gypsy One who follows an itinerant or otherwise unconventional career or way of life, especially: a. A part-time or temporary member of a college faculty. b. A member of the chorus line in a theater...
The two groups of Gypsy Americans about whom scholars know the most are the Rom and the Romnichals. Many of the Rom came to the New World from Russia or Eastern or Central Europe; the Romnichals came from Great Britain. Although these two groups have much in common, they also are divi...
musical groups from 5 other countries: Taraf de Haiduks (Romania), Antonio El Pipa Ensemble (Spain), Musafir (India), Kaly jag (Hungary) and Yuri Yunakov Ensemble (Bulgaria/USA). In 2003, the Russian American ensemble TALISMAN invited Kolpakov Trio to reconstruct and record music of the Rus...
Arts and Culture. In Ukraine, Valeriy was working with various folk and world music groups, as well as in Kiev's State Orchestra of Radio and Television. He has toured internationally as the soloist of Budmo, a Ukrainian folk ensemble, and performed in a variety of national and international...
Nuculanoidea, Limopsoidea, Lucinoidea, Galeommatoidea, Cyamioidea, and Cuspidarioidea are the richest groups in Antarctica; some of them are also represented by several species in Brazil, albeit in de...
To most everyone else in America, having a kitchen and a desk and privacy is taken for granted. The first week of riding along the 1000 Miles Adventure route is much like I expected, and that’s why I traveled here. I’ve only ridden some of the route in the past, near the ...
It wasn’t until 1990 that John began singing in groups locally. It all began with a Men’s Chorus organized by Andy Call, Bob Marks, and Berk Jones. That was just the beginning as today John sings in the Cambridge Singers, which has two major shows each year. Chordial Chorus perform...
Driving through the enclaves situated behind maize fields will delight you. Villagers seem sheltered from the city-center and sit in groups on the side of the road. Children run beside your taxi and get very excited at your arrival into their little universe. Heading back to your hotel, the...
> Section > Chapter Su, P.Y.; Brown, T.A. Plasmid 38(3): 148-157 1997 ISSN/ISBN:0147-619X 9435017 10.1006/plas.1997.1310 009687329 Full-Text Article emailed within 0-6 h Buy Now for$19.90 Payments are secure & encrypted Abstract...
Alex was a leading member (balalaika prima) of The Andreev State symphonic balalaika orchestra, one of the most prestigious in former USSR. Alex graduated with honors from the Leningrad State Musical Conservatory. He have toured throughout the former Soviet Union, Europe and America, appeared on ...