In this work, we introduce Gym-ANM, a framework for designing reinforcement learning (RL) environments that model ANM tasks in electricity distribution networks. These environments provide new playgrounds for RL research in the management of electricity networks that do not require an extensive ...
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棺材迪出现了?【转发】@吴佩:#上汽奥迪##一汽奥迪#上汽奥迪官宣了!一女两嫁的奥迪背后可是错综复杂的利益关系、尔虞我诈。几年前在一股神秘力量的默许下,奥迪的目光望向了长江尾,一次“出轨”开始了…… L吴佩...
Gym-ANM is a Python package that facilitates the design of reinforcement learning (RL) environments that model active network management (ANM) tasks in electricity networks. Here, we describe how to implement new environments and how to write code to interact with pre-existing ones. We also ...
Gym-ANM is a Python package that facilitates the design of reinforcement learning (RL) environments that model active network management (ANM) tasks in electricity networks. Here, we describe how to implement new environments and how to write code to interact with pre-existing ones. We also prov...
Active network management (ANM) of electricity distribution networks include many complex stochastic sequential optimization problems. These problems need to be solved for integrating renewable energies and distributed storage into future electrical grids. In this work, we introduce Gym-ANM, a framework fo...