选课前可以用GWU bulletin看具体要求,里面有各个学院和专业的requirements。 GWU bulletin的网址: http://bulletin.gwu.edu/university-regulations/general-education/#universitygeneraleducationtext 另外一个方式是从banweb的degreemap上看自己需要上的课。 对于尚未确定专业的同学,建议是大一大二先上一些general的课,比如...
as well as forco-curricular experiences, specialized coursework and residential options whileremaining fully integrated into your general curriculum and major requirements.
According to the mission requirement in design content, needs to design about the mill the end surface jig.This jig mainly uses for thick, half fine mill upper and lower surface and meets the superficial thick making 1.6 requirements.Front this working procedure jig working procedure depends on ...