The Get-With-The-Guidelines-Heart-Failure (GWTG-HF) score is a risk assessment tool to predict mortality in patients with heart-failure (HF). We aimed to evaluate the GWTG-HF score for risk stratification in HF patients with tricuspid regurgita- tion undergoing trans-catheter tricuspid valve ...
The GWTG-HF risk score uses 7 clinical factors collected at admission. These are older age, low systolic blood pressure, elevated heart rate, low serum sodium, elevated BUN, presence of COPD, and ethnicity. The probability of in-hospital mortality is estimated for an individual patient by ...
GRACE score estimates risk of death, including IHM and long-term mortality (M), in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes. OBJECTIVE. To validate GRACE score in AHF and to compare GRACE and GWTG-HF scores as predictors of IHM, post discharge early and late M [1-month mortality (1mM) ...