“With our new platform combined with our tried and tested methodology, you can secure insights and answers in an instant versus a drawn out process, at a fraction of the traditional market research cost. At the same time, you can ensure organizational alignment, meaning everyone is working fro...
Gaming will only continue to become more popular– While the outbreak has made for a more frugal holiday season, the gaming habits forged in the past year look likely to stay. In the long term, multi-platform ownership will become more common as console exclusives entice gamers between brands....
e it daily growing 25%in this time frame.RED was initially focused on female beauty products.And like Discords relationship to the gaming sector,its roots are still very visible.REDs audience skews toward young women,who are more likely to say they use social media to find prod-ucts and ...
Gaming-Whatdevicesaretheygaming onandwhatdotheywantmostfromthe gamestheyplay? SocialMediaEngagement–whatare GenZ‟sfavoritesocialmediaplatformsand howisTikTokchangingthelandscape? GlobalWebIndexGenerationreportsare designedtoexaminethedigitalbehaviorsofa particulargeneration–showcasingtrendsover timeaswellasanalyzing...